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Error processing SSI file

Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Engineering Entrance Examination 2014

Engineering Entrance Examination 2014
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

Engineering Entrance Examination 2014
Union Public Service Commission (UPSC)

  Age limit  

The candidates age should be between 21 and 30 years.

  Educational Qualification  

The candidates should possess Engineering degree from any recognised university. Also, the candidates should have qualified Section A and B of the Institution Examination of the Institution of Engineers. The candidates are required to pass the Association Membership Examination Parts- II & III/ Section A & B of the Aeronautical Society of India.

  Application Fee  

Aapplication fee of Rs. 200/- and deposit it in any of the SBI Branch by cash or by using net banking facility.

  How to Apply  

  Important Dates  


Applicants are requested to note that before filling the online application they may have a careful look on the common reasons where an applicant's online application is rejected by the Commission. Applicants are therefore advised to be careful enough so that chances of their applications being rejected by the Commission are minimized to the best possible extent and their effort is not lost due to the reasons which can be avoided by them if they remain slightly more careful while submitting their application to the Commission. The Experience of Commission (UPSC) shows that major rejection happens due the following reasons.

  • Application being rejected on the grounds of bad quality of submitted photograph.
  • Application being rejected on the grounds of bad quality of submitted signature.
  • Application being rejected on the grounds of swapping of photograph with that of signature.
  • Application rejected due to submission of photograph only, i.e. no signature or photograph submitted at the place of signature.
  • Application rejected due to submission of signature only, i.e. no photograph or signature submitted at the place of photograph.
  • Only PART-I of the application is submitted to the Commission and thus their application is incomplete because of non-submission of PART-II.
  • Applicant submitted multiple applications, however fee deposited (TID** ) against a particular application (RID*) is mentioned for other application having different RID.
  • Applicant submitted PART-I and paid fee as well, but did/could not complete PART-II i.e. failed to submit photograph and signature.
  • Application being rejected on the grounds of non submission of payment proof to the Commission within specified time in case of fictitious payment ***cases (which are intimated to the applicant through e-mail as well as published on the website of the Commission within 2 weeks after the last date of receipt of online application).
* RID is Registration ID, which is generated by the system when the application completes PART-I registration of his application.

** TID is Transaction ID, which is given by Bank official when the applications deposits his/her fee through "cash" mode and it is automatically generated when "Internet Banking" or "credit/debit card " mode is used for making the fee payment.

*** Fictitious payment cases are those cases for which the Commission does not receive any information from the bank authorities to which the applicant has claimed to have deposited his/her fees.

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  Error processing SSI file